At 6:24 AM on Sunday morning, John MacVicker, a retired single father of three, individually fills up hundreds of small cups with grape juice for communion. This isn't part of his duties as a building host, but just something he does to be helpful.
To fill up the cups, John uses a small handheld contraption. A newer version is available in a drawer nearby, but he prefers the slower pace at which the juice comes out in the older one.
On Sunday morning at 7:06 AM, during rehearsal, David Iliyn (left), the sound guy, and Leo Foshka (right), a keyboard player, troubleshoot a sound issue with Leo's daughter, Sabrina Foshka's keyboard while the rest of the worship team waits.
High schooler Cole Christensen leads the worship team through rehearsal on a Friday evening after school.
Seniors in high school, Cole Christensen (left) and Jacques Armstrong (right), pause during an after-school rehearsal to listen to another worship team member's suggestions.
High schooler, bassist, and vocalist, Jacques Armstrong, focuses on his sheet music during a Friday evening rehearsal.
After the offering has been taken during the third service on Sunday, Andy Peel (left) and Allan Roche’ (right) head to the office to tally what was collected.
During the third service of the day, while the pastors are recognized on stage, Andy Peel transitions from ushering people to their seats to collecting offering buckets.